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Tuesday, February 18, 2014





1 高麗菜是一種鹼性食物,含有維生素A、B群、C及礦物質,可消除疲勞,調整為鹼性體質。男性體質若呈鹼性,可增加太太懷女的機率。

2 高麗菜含鉻,具有調節血糖、血脂的功能,可預防男性因糖尿病所引起的陽萎、早洩。


1 高麗菜屬於十字花科蔬菜,其含有吲哚素、β-胡蘿蔔素、維生素A、C等,能抗氧化,防止細胞癌變。

2 高麗菜含有其他蔬菜所缺少的維生素U,能修復體內受損組織,保護黏膜細胞,有止痛及促進癒合的作用,適合胃潰瘍和十二指腸潰瘍患者食用。

3 高麗菜含有錳,除了能幫助骨骼成長,還能加速脂肪轉化,減少內臟與心血管脂肪的堆積,有利於預防脂肪肝與心臟病。

4 高麗菜中的膳食纖維,可幫助腸胃蠕動,促進排便。

1 高麗菜外層綠色的葉片纖維較粗,且容易殘留農藥,最好剝除後再清洗。

2 高麗菜以切絲涼拌、快炒或汆燙最能保留原味,用來熬煮蔬菜湯底,則可增加湯頭的甜味。

3 高麗菜也能作成菜乾及泡菜,風味獨特且能延長存放時間。

1 高麗菜含碘,甲狀腺功能失調者,不宜大量食用。
2 高麗菜纖維粗、不易消化,消化功能弱者宜少食。
3 高麗菜含維生素K,能防止微血管破裂,減少皮下瘀血。


熱量 166.9大卡
醣類 33.1克
蛋白質 5.4克
脂肪 1.4克
膳食纖維 6.4克


1 材料洗淨,高麗菜、番茄、洋蔥切小塊備用。
2 熱鍋加油,放蒜片、洋蔥塊爆香,再放番茄塊炒約1分鐘。
3 加入高麗菜塊略炒,再加調味料炒勻,起鍋前加太白粉水勾芡即可。


熱量 294.2大卡
醣類 16.2克
蛋白質 7.5克
脂肪 22.1克
膳食纖維 5.4克


1 高麗菜洗淨切片備用。
2 小火熱油鍋,放入蒜片、乾辣椒、花椒粒爆香。
3 加高麗菜片大火快炒,起鍋前再加花生米、醬油、鹽拌勻即可。





1 鮭魚含有高蛋白質與鎂、鋅、銅、錳,有助於增加女性荷爾蒙,促進子宮功能,想懷女兒的女性多吃,有助孕的效果。

2 鮭魚含有大量的維生素A、E,具有促進血液循環的功能,對於子宮的修復與強化大有幫助,還可潤滑黏膜組織,減少陰道乾燥與性冷感等症狀。


1 鮭魚含豐富的Omega-3脂肪酸,可降低血液中三酸甘油酯和總膽固醇,具有抗過敏、抗發炎,以及預防心血管疾病的功效。

2 鮭魚含有豐富的膠原蛋白、鈣質與維生素D等,可以增加關節潤滑度、強化骨骼並預防骨質疏鬆症。

3 鮭魚含EPA、DHA,可幫助兒童及青少年腦部發展,維護視力健康、預防記憶力減退,增進學習能力。

4 鮭魚含維生素A,有助於對抗破壞胰島素的自由基,能強化葡萄糖耐受性。

1 中式料理中的鮭魚,通常可作成乾煎鮭魚、香烤鮭魚或是鮭魚炒飯。
2 鮭魚在日式料理中,最有名的是生魚片、照燒鮭魚、佃煮鮭魚和鮭魚味噌湯。
3 盛產鮭魚的歐美國家,最有名的料理方式是煙燻鮭魚,可作成前菜或沙拉。

1 鮭魚含鈣量高,能補充鈣質,適合成長發育中的兒童、更年期婦女及年長者食用。

2 深海中的鮭魚,通常會吸收較多的重金屬污染物,因此孕婦及幼兒請酌量食用,以策安全。


熱量 1152.5大卡
醣類 8克
蛋白質 99克
脂肪 80.5克
膳食纖維 0克


1 鮭魚洗淨,用鹽與米酒醃約10分鐘備用。
2 檸檬擠汁備用。
3 熱鍋放油,將作法1的鮭魚,用中火煎至兩面呈金黃色。
4 最後將鮭魚盛盤,滴上檸檬汁即可。


熱量 930.5大卡
醣類 33.5克
蛋白質 77克
脂肪 54.3克
膳食纖維 2.7克


1 柴魚片加水,用大火煮滾後,轉小火煮3分鐘,過濾。
2 乾海帶芽泡軟切小段,豆腐切丁,鮭魚切塊備用。
3 將作法2加入作法1,以大火煮滾後轉小火煮3分鐘。取少許湯與味噌調勻,倒回鍋中;煮滾後,加清酒和鹽調味即可。

Monday, February 17, 2014

Unveiling Feng Shui Taboos for Bedroom, Do not Miss!

Under-mentioned listed are the taboo that you must take note and take care.

1. Bedroom door facing the toilet door

If you have this type of arrangement, it will cause illness mainly on bones and muscles and also loss of wealth. Toilet is a place with moisture, stinky and bad smell, so if you will absorb the negative energy.

2. Bed facing the room door

It will cause health problem to different parts of your body depending on the door facing.
a. Door facing head – It will cause headache and migraine
b. Door facing stomach – It will cause gastric and stomach problems
c. Door facing legs – It will cause problem relating to your lower body

3. Toilet door facing your bed

Toilet door facing your bed
This situation is worse than scenario 1 (room door facing toilet door).It will cause serious headache and make you lost concentration when thinking. If this problem is not resolved is not resolved for a long time, it might cause cancer. It might also lead other types of illness, so it is better to change your bed arrangement as fast as possible.

4. Mirror facing the bed

Mirror facing the bed
This situation will cause you to be in a trance and cannot concentrate your thinking right. See illustration for the places that is suitable to put mirror if really necessary. Try not to put any mirrors in bedroom if possible.

5. Beam above your bed

Beam above your bed
With beam overhead, it give you a feeling of pressure above you and it might cause insomnia, lack of sleep and headache.

6. Bed facing wall knives

Bed facing wall knives
It might cause dizziness, headache and undetectable illness symptoms.
Solution: In case of a protruding wall corner, or a piece of furniture that cannot be moved, try working with fabric to soften the sharp energy and implement the rounding of a sharp corner. Although it is not cheap, but if you plan to stay long in the house, it is something worth considering.

7. Bed below staircase

Bed below staircase
With this poor placement of the bed, it will cause the person sleeping to have nightmare and bad luck.
Solution: It is not possible to move your stairs so you can just move your bed to a better location.

8. Head facing wall behind toilet bowl

Head facing wall behind toilet bowl
It will cause long period of headache, ideological confusion and your mind cannot concentrate.
Solution: Move the bed to a better location but also take note to apply the bed feng shui tips too.

9. Head behind the wall that partition your room and altar

Head behind the wall that partition your room and altar
Only the temple fair and Psychic can sleep in this way, so for us, it is recommended to avoid.
Solution: Move either your bed or adjust the altar position.

10. Headboard does not have solid backing support

Headboard does not have solid backing support
Some people like to slant their bed to create a romantic atmosphere or adjusting the bed to move away from beam overhead, but always remember that bedboard must have solid wall supporting as a backing. If not , it will affect the quality of sleep.

11. Placing TV, Sound System and handphone in front of your bed

Placing TV, Sound System and handphone in front of your bed
Bedroom is a place to rest and re-enegerize yourself for the next day and if you put TV in your room, you tends to watch it for 1 or 2 hours till you feel sleepy. This will deprive your hours of sleep and affect your next day energy. If this prolong, it will affect your health and career too. Mobile phone tends to give off radiation even in stand by mode so it is not advisable to place it beside you while sleeping.

12. Air-con directly above your bed

Air-con is directly above your bed
If the air con is directly above you, the cold air will blow straight towards your body and especially when you are sleeping, your pores will be slightly opened so it can easily cause sickness like cold, muscle rigidity and headache.

13. Position of bed is above or below the stove or toilet

Position of bed is above or below the stove or toilet
If your bed is above or below the stove, it can affect your liver function as it increase the fire element and toilet is a place of filth, so it will cause health issue.

14. Fanciful decoration on the Bedroom ceiling

Fanciful decoration on the Bedroom ceiling
It is always best to keep the ceiling above your head as simple as possible (Nothing is the best). In the recent years, people like to decorate their ceiling with mirror or some art pieces and this will cause difficulties in sleeping and in long term, it will cause health issue.
Hope these tips will help you in renovating your bedroom in good Feng Shui way.