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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Book Review: The Logic of Political Survival

"The Logic of Political Survival" by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita.

Selectorate theory suggested that leader impacted by 3 group of people:
1.Nominal Selectorate - person who has the equal say in choosing a leader.
(In Malaysia , referring to registered voter)
2.Real Selectorate - the influential that are really the one that choose the leader
(In Malaysia, referring to ruling party's delegate and component parties' leader)
3.Winning Coalition - are those whose supports have translates into victory
(In Malaysia , may refer to political party's division head, small group of party veteran and business magnate ** I prefer to use "magnate" rather than "oligarch" in order to remains neutral stand )
To remain in power, leaders must satisfy the winning coalition.
FIVE Rules to stay in power:
1.The smaller the winning coalition; the fewer people that need to be satisfied in order to remain in control.
2. With a large nominal selectorate; it will give a pool of potential people to replace the persons who are not in line with current leader in the winning coalition.
3. Maintain control of revenue flows to redistribute to leader's supporter.
4. Only give them enough that they will not consider overthrowing the leader but at the same time little enough so that their life depends on the leader.
5.Never ever ever take supporters' money and redistribute it to the masses.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017




< 阶段1:还请贷款 >


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< 阶段2:财务自由 >



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< 阶段3:追求梦想 >
